Fred PIZZA BOSS 3000 Circular Saw Pizza Wheel Review

By Kitchen Warrior | Pizza Tools & Cookware Guides

Fred PIZZA BOSS 3000 Circular Saw Pizza Wheel -

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Quick Overview





  • Affordable
  • Stainless steel blade
  • Circular saw design


  • Small diameter

Italy has had a vivid history starting a few hundred years ago, and while there is no doubt that their culture is among the most respected and diverse in the world, there is one particular thing that has won over the whole world. Yes, we are talking about pizza.

Almost as old at the Italian culture itself, pizza was originally a dish for peasants and those who couldn’t afford meat and luxurious ingredients, pizza has become one of the most beloved foods around the globe.

Whether you enjoy a plain margarita, or you like to get fancy with some Hawaiian pineapple and ham, pizza is something billions of people know about and love. The best thing about it? It is not hard to make, and apart from flour and a few other basic ingredients, you can make a delicious pizza in less than 30 minutes.

Once it is baked, your job is still not over though, as you need to slice it, and there is one particular product will help you with that. Yes, we are talking about the pizza cutter wheel. The one we would like to present to you is the Fred Pizza Boss 3000 Cutter Wheel is rated among the top models. Read on to find out why.

Fred PIZZA BOSS 3000 Circular Saw Pizza Wheel

There is no doubt that a kitchen utensil such as the cutter wheel can be of great use for both commercial and home purposes. That is why we think of this Fred pizza product as something that is worth your attention. Featuring a great navy-blue chainsaw design, it is both attractive and efficient, allowing you to slice your perfect pizza quickly and easily.

On top of all that, if you were doubting the given quality or anything else, you really shouldn’t. Why? Because it comes with a lifetime limited warranty to cover you for any built-in defects and dissatisfaction.

Who is this product for?

There is nothing complex about this utensil. This product is for anyone who is looking to be able to have a pizza party with friends and family while being able to cut those slices like it is their job.

Instead of having troubles with moving a dull knife back and forth to slice your pizza, this product will allow you to effectively cut a whole pizza in less than a minute, ending up with ideally shaped tasty triangles. Whether you are an enthusiastic home cook or a restaurant owner, this product is a must.

What’s included?

While this company does offer another product that is quite similar called the pizza paddler, the aforementioned product features a number of innovative traits that you just can’t beat. Bearing this in mind, although there are no fancy accessories, this product holds great value.

Overview of features

As we mentioned above, there are a number of cool features that make this model our recommendation. The first thing that highlights it is the great design which includes a detachable stainless steel blade as well as a firm plastic shield that will allow you a comfortable grip and guard against potential injuries caused by using this product. The stainless steel knife is sharp and well-made, being the real star of this cutter wheel.

Additionally, taking a look at the whole design, it is something you will enjoy, as this model is shaped like a circular saw, so you can be sure that all your friends and family members will be amazed by your awesome cutting skills.

Apart from the sturdy design, and the material that is made out of, another cool feature is that it can be washed in your dishwasher, allowing you to rest instead of scraping that fatty cheese off the blades.

Still, the diameter is quite small making it hard to cut through deep-crusted pizzas, and the grip is not perfect for lefties. Apart from that, we see this product as an excellent choice for anyone on a tighter budget.

How to use it

We always like to emphasize that while a cutter wheel can be tricky for some, it is all about getting the right grip and following the proper cutting motion.


KitchenAid Pizza Wheel Aqua Sky

If you are a lefty and you are looking to get good value out of a pizza cutter, you shouldn’t look any further as this KitchenAid is the perfect choice for you. Affordable, and with a comfortable grip, using it will be a great experience.


With a proper pizza cutter wheel, the sky will be your limit if you are to become the great pizza master. That is why buying a Fred PIZZA BOSS 3000 Circular Saw Pizza Wheel is a long-term investment towards the success of your cooking career - whether you are a home cook or a professional.